Tinsley Heritage and Environment Celebration

The team behind the Heritage Lottery funded ‘Exploring Tinsley Manor’ project, is inviting Tinsley folk to help them celebrate the project's first birthday with the first Tinsley Heritage and Environment Celebration on March 7th from 10am till 1pm in the Tinsley Green Centre. All are excited about the big event and are keen to share their discoveries about the former Tinsley Manor.
With lots of help from fantastic local volunteers, the team, made up of staff from Heeley City Farm, Tinsley Junior School and Wessex Archaeology, have been investigating and excavating the site of Tinsley Manor Farm which is buried underneath the Junior School’s field and was possibly Tinsley’s Medieval Manor House with origins in the 11th or 12th century. In the early 1960s the building was demolished to enable the construction of Tinsley Junior School, an event that is within living memory. With this in mind the team would like to encourage as many people as possible to bring their memories and photographs of the area to the event, as well as to take the opportunity to find out what the project has uncovered already.
Sally Rodgers, the Exploring Tinsley Manor Project Officer said: “We are really looking forward to celebrating and sharing what we have found so far about this is a unique archaeological site right on Tinsley’s doorstep.”
The event will also be an opportunity for people to find out about a selection of heritage and environment projects which are working to celebrate Tinsley’s unique character. Another of Heeley City Farms projects, the South Yorkshire Energy Centre (SYEC) will be showcasing its new ‘Weather Proof Women’ initiative, an affordable warmth scheme which aims to empower women through their learning practical skills to improve the warmth of their home. SYEC staff will be providing information, practical advice and free soup and refreshments.
Also attending will be Amey and the Streets Ahead team who endeavour to protect and enhance the Tinsley environment and assist the community with their ‘Tinsley Clean-up’ campaign. Their big information bus will be at the event from 10.30am and will be providing litter pickers and black bags for volunteers and removal of collected litter.
Melinda Guthrie of Amey said: "Amey are very keen to work with the local community here in Tinsley and today is all about that; we are thrilled to be involved with these enthusiastic community groups and our friends at Darnall Forum."
Tinsley and Darnell community forums and community organisers who provide a wide range of local support will be there, as will representatives from St Lawrence’s Church which is one of the oldest buildings in Tinsley. Volunteers from the church will have a display including rarely seen objects from the church's history.
There will also be stalls from The River Stewardship Company with information about the environment and wildlife of the Tinsley Canal, and from The East End Quality of Life Project.
This is a free event open to all and includes free refreshments.
Notes to editors
Heeley City Farm is a community charity based on a working farm and visitor centre one mile from Sheffield City Centre. Staff and volunteers from Heeley City Farm work with local communities around Sheffield to promote sustainability, regeneration, environmental education and health and well being. The farm was founded by local people in 1981 and has been growing organically ever since.
Tinsley Junior School is an improving school and our pupils make good progress from exceptionally low starting points because of rigorous leadership, mentoring and good teaching. The school has a rich mix of pupils from very different backgrounds and almost all our pupils speak English as an additional language. We teach from an innovative curriculum designed to celebrate and enhance the learning of our children who between them speak a variety of different languages. All of our pupils achieve well because of the care and support we provide. Our pupils make outstanding contributions to the local community with the involvement of their parents and the school and we are extremely proud to support this. Here at Tinsley our pupils are provided with a welcoming, nurturing and harmonious learning environment. Every child really does matter to us and the vast majority of parents and pupils agree wholeheartedly with this.
Wessex Archaeology is the market leader in the provision of quality archaeological and heritage services, delivered from a UK wide network of offices. Established for over 30 years Wessex offers an unrivalled range of services above ground, below ground and underwater. We work in partnership with planners, designers, developers and property managers to deliver practical solutions. Wessex is a charitable company which puts sustainability and community engagement at its heart.
Further information
Sally Rodgers, Project Officer on youngroots@heeleyfarm.org.uk, 0114 303 9981 or 07932 867 750