Secretary of State Greg Clark discusses why parks matter

It is always great to hear news of the impact which National Lottery good causes money is having on the lives of people every day across the UK. Our parks and green spaces are a vital community asset, and one which I know mean a great deal to my constituents in Tunbridge Wells. Locally we are therefore very pleased that a number of parks in the area are amongst those whh have received funding from the Parks for People Programme, which is jointly run by HLF and the Big Lottery Fund. With support from the local authority, £4,714,660 has been invested in Tunbridge Wells to revive and re-energise Dunorlan Park, and more recently Grosvenor and Hilbert Park.
Grosvenor and Hilbert Park
To celebrate the recent award of £2.5m Grosvenor and Hilbert Park, which has been secured by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to transform the park and preserve its heritage, I am delighted to be taking part in a tree planting ceremony this weekend. The additional investment made possible from the National Lottery through the Parks for People programme, will ensure that the park meets its potential as a focus for recreation, health and well-being, local heritage, wildlife and it achieves Green Flag Award status.
Parks for People
The Parks for People programme has meant the transformation of over 800 parks across the UK. Thanks to National Lottery players, over £800m has been invested in parks across the UK has repaired and re-created bandstands, conserved monuments, dredged lakes, helped provide new ways to generate much needed income through cafes and events, and brought hundreds of people into their local parks to discover their history and the joys of being outside. Parks also play a vital role in providing places where people can reconnect with nature to understand more about the natural world.