Celebrating the rich heritage of North East Lincolnshire through community-led projects

A large boat at Grimsby docks
The Ross Tiger docked outside the Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre. Photo: Ellen Hunter.

Heritage Places Strategic Initiative

Date awarded
West Marsh
Local Authority
North East Lincolnshire
North East Lincolnshire Council
Award Given
A new programme will work with local organisations to share stories that celebrate the past and help shape the future.

This area was one of our Areas of Focus between 2019 and 2024 and is now a Heritage Place. This project will help North East Lincolnshire Council build on our targeted funding support that has seen 29 projects kick-start the heritage-led regeneration of the area.

The goal is to further understand the local area's needs for heritage and develop a long-term strategic plan. 

An engagement programme will help to inform this by empowering organisations to develop their own projects to conserve more historical landmarks, host events and connect people to their local heritage.

This will build on the work the team has been doing to highlight our amazing heritage in the borough.

Cllr Hayden Dawkins, Portfolio Holder for Culture and Heritage at North East Lincolnshire Council

The programme will also take learnings from other North East Lincolnshire heritage initiatives including the Heritage Network, Cleethorpes Townscape Heritage Programme and Greater Grimsby Heritage Action Zone.

Cllr Hayden Dawkins said: “I’d like to thank The National Lottery Heritage Fund for believing in the work we’re doing in Grimsby, Cleethorpes and beyond, preserving and showcasing our past for future generations. This will build on the work the team has been doing to highlight our amazing heritage in the borough.”

North East Lincolnshire is one of the first places to benefit from a share of the Heritage Fund’s £200million Heritage Places initiative. Over 10 years Heritage Places will guide heritage regeneration in 20 places across the UK. 

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