Our Heritage
Uist Wool is a Scottish charity and Community Benefit Company based on the principles of People, Planet, Profit: it seeks to benefit the many, establish sustainable practices and create a viable enterprise to support the communities of the Outer Hebrides. A grant of £67,500 provided a quarter of the cost of the Calanas – Transforming Textile Traditions project, with the majority coming from the European Social Fund.
The project focused on two aspects of local heritage, one intangible, one physical, both connected by community history and identity: the wool-working traditions of the Outer Hebrides and the repair of historic carding and spinning machinery.
The restoration of historic mill machinery, together with the creation of trainee placements in wool mill spinning and mill engineering, were designed to create viable long-term employment opportunities on Uist. A clear skills gap had been identified in the engineering and operating skills required to run and maintain the historic machinery and the project aimed to work specifically with young people and women to widen the diversity of the workforce and support the sustainability of the industry.
Creating a comprehensive programme of practical learning activities that celebrated the wool-working heritage of the Outer Hebrides also encouraged local communities to reconnect with an important craft tradition historically associated with the region.