Young Roots
Delving through the film star’s extensive writing – started age 14 – young people growing up in Port Talbot today used the diary collection to learn about the social history of the town, in turn inspiring their documentary film-making and performance. They explored how different – or not – the issues facing the young Richard Burton were from those experienced by young people today.
Over 80 young people were involved, creating a range of responses to the diaries, including a documentary film about Burton. The culmination was a promenade performance in Port Talbot town centre featuring the digital ‘dressing’ of buildings, drama, music and poetry to celebrate and share Burton’s life and achievements.
Project Director Eirwen Hopkins said: “By looking at the life of someone who grew up very close to them, and who, although separated by time, shared many of their experiences and emotions, they have learned about Richard Burton’s time, and have also discovered more about their own lives, hopes and abilities.”
Project participant Shania said: “Doing the acting, research and the trips has brought my confidence up. It’s given me the power to go on stage – before, I wouldn’t have even thought of it.”
Fellow participant Dominic said: “My confidence has grown 110%.”