Rachel Hasted

Committee Member for London
Rachel Hasted is a heritage and diversity consultant and researcher. She was Head of Social Inclusion and Diversity at English Heritage from 2006 –13.

Previously Rachel was the first Social Inclusion Manager at The National Archives from 2003-6. Rachel trained as a museum curator and has worked for most of her career in London museums, starting with Bruce Castle Museum, Tottenham (1986-2001), then moving to the Commonwealth Institute. From 1994-1997, Rachel undertook freelance commissions while studying for an M.A. in social and cultural history at Essex University. From 1997-2003 Rachel managed Croydon Museum and Heritage Service.

Current research interests include the history of housing designed for disabled war veterans and the commemoration of contributions to the First World War by Empire troops and Labour Corps. Publications include aspects of women's history, LGBT history and inclusive representation in museums.

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