Children and young people

Children and young people

Heritage has a crucial role to play in enriching the lives of children and young people, creating a more inclusive society.

Since 1994, we are proud to have invested over £60million across the UK in projects working with children and young people. This includes the £10m Kick the Dust programme.

The National Lottery Heritage Fund is committed to making heritage more inclusive and accessible to a wider range of people and this includes the younger generations. We know that children and young people can play a significant role in creating innovative and exciting heritage projects that really speak to them. 

Explore some of our work below and find inspiration for your project, then discover whether your idea is eligible for funding.


Karin Molson, Rheolydd Dysgu yn Amgueddfa Sir Fynwy
Karin Molson, Rheolydd Dysgu yn Amgueddfa Sir Fynwy


All shook up - creating a museum exhibition that rocks

Karin Molson, Learning Manager at Monmouth Museum, recalls how involving teenagers led to one of the museum’s most engaging exhibitions yet – while student Wulf reveals why he loved being a volunteer.