Yeovil Country Park secures Heritage Lottery Fund investment

The V3 Project aims to conserve and improve both the built and natural heritage of the Country Park, alongside improving the visitor offer at Yeovil Country Park. It will also encourage visitors and volunteers to become more involved in their local countryside.
Katy Menday, SSDC’s Countryside Manager, said: “We are over the moon to have been awarded this significant amount of money to really make some great improvements at Yeovil Country Park. The range of projects that the Heritage Lottery Fund is funding should mean benefits for a huge number of Yeovil residents and also general visitors to the park. We will be working with many schools and groups, and also improving the general interpretation and information available about the site. Significantly the grant will enable us to carry out repairs to the built infrastructure of Ninesprings, which at over 100 years old, needs some specialist attention to protect it into the future.”
Rachel Whaites, Countryside Ranger at Yeovil Country Park, added: “I am looking forward to welcoming a new colleague to the Country Park team as the Heritage Lottery Fund are funding a three-year Community Ranger post. The work they develop and deliver will be an exciting addition to our already great site. Things like a new tramper vehicle and trails, public events and activities, plus formal learning sessions and resources will make a vast difference to lots of people. The new centre is already proving to be a great hub for the site and this is the icing on the cake for the future of our park.”
Councillor Sylvia Seal, Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Culture, said: “We are delighted that the Heritage Lottery Fund has given us this grant. We are already grateful for the huge role that volunteers play at our park in Yeovil, but this investment gives us the opportunity to expand the volunteering and offer greater training and learning opportunities for those individuals that donate so much time and energy. The success of the grant is down to a vast input of volunteer time, and enthusiasm from the practical volunteers and the Friends Group, it is great that they should see more investment in them in the future.”
Nerys Watts, Head of HLF South West, said: “Our open spaces and wildlife are incredibly important, both in terms of our wellbeing and environment and our sense of place and identity. Thanks to National Lottery players we’re delighted to support this project which will see the local community play a truly involved role in the future of Yeovil Country Park as volunteers, visitors and future custodians.”
Further information
For more information contact Katy Menday, SSDC Countryside Manager, on 01935 462 522.