Wanted: next generation of heritage leaders

A package of training and development opportunities to foster future leaders in the heritage sector is being offered through a partnership between HLF and the Clore Leadership Programme (CLP).
HLF will fund a range of CLP’s prestigious Clore Fellowships and residential courses, which provide training and professional development opportunities to people working across the cultural sector.
The £96,000 grant will provide a number of opportunities for people working in the heritage sector:
- Two places on CLP’s flagship Clore Fellowship programme - an in-depth and individually tailored development opportunity comprising mentoring, coaching, training and diverse work placements
- A part-funded Clore Fellowship for an exceptional employee of HLF
- Four places on Clore’s intensive, residential Short Courses
- Two bursaries on Emerging Leaders Courses for people who are in the earlier stages of their careers
[quote=Sir Peter Luff, HLF Chair]“We are lucky to have an incredibly rich heritage across our country and a dedicated workforce ensuring it remains open and accessible to all. These grants will allow promising employees access to the support they need.”[/quote]
The Clore Leadership Programme, which has been facilitating bespoke training in the cultural sector since 2004, has already supported a number of people to cultivate their leadership skills.
Former Clore Heritage Fellow, Liz Girling, who is now Assistant Director at National Trust Wales, said: “I regularly look back on my Clore year as being the pivotal time which encouraged me to take off my own armbands. I learned a lot about myself and about leadership and I still reflect and build on that learning. Most importantly, I built a support network which I draw on almost daily.”
Sir Peter Luff, Chair of HLF, welcomed the new investment: “We are lucky to have an incredibly rich heritage across our country and a dedicated workforce ensuring it remains open and accessible to all. These grants will allow promising employees access to the support they need to keep this heritage thriving for future generations.”
Applications for the 2017/2018 Clore Fellowship Programme close on 13 February 2016. Applications for the autumn 2017 residential Short Courses and Emerging Leaders programme will open in spring 2017.
Applications are by online form. Full information about the Clore Fellowships and the application process can be found on the CLP website.