Restored hotel hosts Northern Ireland Committee

Formerly known as the Northern Counties, the historic Bishop’s Gate Hotel was officially opened in March 2016 following a complete restoration which received £784,000 through HLF’s Heritage Enterprise programme.
Heritage Enterprise is an innovative programme designed to unlock the commercial potential of unused and vacant historic buildings and sites. The programme provides help when the costs of restoring important buildings are so high that without additional financial support they could not be brought back into use.
Over 60 people are directly employed by the hotel, while another 133, including subcontractors and six traineeships, were involved during the constructive and fitting out phases of the project.
Martin McDonald, the Committee’s interim Chair, said: “The Bishop’s Gate Hotel is the first Heritage Enterprise project in the UK to begin trading and it is fantastic to see Northern Ireland leading the way.
“It’s always rewarding to visit completed projects to see the difference HLF’s investment has made to the heritage and to local communities. It is exciting to see projects come full-circle, from initial plans to completion and really shows just how important our heritage is in creating a better future. This hotel is a wonderful asset for the city and has delivered real benefits through employment opportunities and boosting investment in the area.
“Today we were discussing the next batch of applications for HLF grants from within this wonderfully restored building and I am confident that these projects, many at the beginning of their journey, will continue to bring great benefits to Northern Ireland.”