Out and about – places to spend a happy heritage bank holiday!

Here are some of our favourite HLF-supported projects which are great places to spend time outside.
Burrator Reservoir
Burrator Reservoir in Devon has a full programme of events and activities in this beautiful setting. A wonderful place for walks and wildlife spotting - they also have a recently restored easy access trail, ideal for those with accessibility requirements. Find out more on the South West Lakes Trust website.
Attenborough Nature Reserve
A few miles southwest of Nottingham, Attenborough Nature Reserve is a haven for twitchers with a number of hides providing opportunities to spot sand martins, ospreys and kingfishers, among others. Or you could just drop in to the Nature Centre Café, follow a nature trail or visit this weekend for the Go Wild fun activities for kids. The Attenborough Nature Reserve website contains further information.
Eycott Hill
May is a great time to visit Eycott Hill Nature Reserve in the Lake District - butterflies start to emerge and birds including the skylark and curlew can be heard across the reserve. The new reserve is 216 hectares of exceptionally rich wildlife habitat and is a Site of Special Scientific Interest for its unusual geology and nationally important wetland flora. Read more on the Cumbria Wildlife Trust website.
Blacktoft Sands
RSPB Blacktoft Sands reserve in East Yorkshire is home to volunteer workforce which is enabling more of the habitats to be conserved using traditional methods. Why not visit and see how many of their 270 species of birds you can spot? The tidal reedbed is the largest in England and one of the most breathtaking sights in summer is the mid-air courtship displays of marsh harriers. Find out more on the RSPB website.
Nene Park
Nene Park Trust is inviting visitors to take a turn around the lakes and woodlands of Ferry Meadows on a new outdoor trail. They have used memories and photos to inspire the new trail and create a series of 10 panels to guide people round it. Once you’ve completed the trail, you could visit the Sculpture Park at Thorpe meadows or explore Woodston Reach, a wooded area perfect for walking and nature viewing. Read more on the Nene Park Trust website.
WWT Washington
Washington Wetlands Centre, near Sunderland, has a brand new hide overlooking the lagoon and River Wear. Blending into the landscape, it’s family-friendly and welcoming, accessible to visitors via a tarmac path. Or, if you want to guarantee spotting some wildlife, plan a visit around one of the daily flamingo and otter talks - and see if you can spot one of the recently arrived baby otters! Explore more on the WWT website.
Where are you going?
Each of these sites has received HLF grants and are well worth a visit. We’d love to hear about your favourite heritage spots – why not share your photos and ideas with us on Twitter.