HLF helps the show to go on at Rothesay Pavilion

A grant of £3.33million will help transform Rothesay Pavilion into a significant cultural centre and visitor attraction giving the town’s seafront a much needed boost.
Rothesay Pavilion is one of the most important examples of Modern Movement architecture in the UK and has a special place in the holiday memories of many thousands of Scots. Fair fortnight saw crowds of holidaymakers take the paddle-steamer ‘doon the watter’ to the island of Bute to stroll along the promenade with an ice cream then dance or watch a show at the Pavilion, where Scotland’s top acts of the time performed.
Despite its poor condition, over 40 local community groups continue to use the pavilion for meetings and activities. The spaces they use will be transformed and include a new multi-purpose roof top space. The main auditorium will be upgraded and a second performance venue created as a dedicated space for young people. Permanent and temporary display galleries will accommodate a changing programme of high-quality exhibitions and a bistro, bars, shop and box office will provide visitors with the comfort they expect today.
Colin McLean, Head of Heritage Lottery Fund Scotland, said: “This wonderful pavilion is evocative of Rothesay’s heyday as a thriving tourist resort. Its resurgence as a cultural venue for the local community and visitors will not only save an important piece of the Bute’s heritage but will have a positive impact on the regeneration of this town. HLF is delighted to help put Rothesay Pavilion back at the heart of island life and community pride.”
Rothesay Pavilion is a fine example of Bute’s rich heritage and its restoration will be a catalyst for the wider regeneration of the town and of the island. The Heritage Lottery Fund has long recognised the potential for heritage projects to make a difference to communities in this way. Other projects which HLF has supported on Bute include:
Rothesay Townscape Heritage Initiative: A grant of £1.5m from HLF has allowed numerous regeneration projects on the heart of the town, Guildford Square, to be undertaken to improve the area making it a more attractive place for islanders and visitors to stay.
The Waverley: £3million from HLF has restored the Waverly so that thousands of people can still enjoy a trip ‘doon the watter’ on the world's last sea going Paddle Steamer.
Discover Bute Landscape Partnership: HLF awarded £1.8million to the Isle of Bute Landscape Partnership, a project which helped protect the beautiful and diverse natural and built environment of the island but also encouraged many people to become involved in and enjoy the heritage on their doorstep.
Fyne Futures: In February last year, HLF awarded a grant of £60,900 to Bute Heritage Horticultural Training centre to deliver learning activities and professional qualifications to a range of individuals through exploring the heritage of Bute potatoes.
Further information
Heritage Lottery Fund: please contact Shiona Mackay on 01786 870 638, mobile: 07779 142 890, email: shionamackay1@btinternet.com or Jon Williams on 0707 591 6035, email: jonw@hlf.org.uk.
Rothesay Pavilion: Argyll & Bute Council press office on 01546 604 171.