Callington Town Band awarded £5,800 for community project to mark First World War Centenary

Awarded through HLF’s First World War: then and now programme, the project will focus on the music and song of the 1914-18 period and how the war affected this small Cornish community against the background of the wider events of the time.
To mark the Centenary of the First World War, Callington Town Band (CTB) will lead a community activity to research local events and the popular songs, music, costume and performers. This will include research into local service personnel including two town bandsmen who did not return.
To make sure the research has an impact on the wider community, the project will lead to performances of music and song interleaved with dramatic interpretations of local events. The research work will also be exhibited, digitised and archived.
Students of Callington Community College, along with the members of the History and Drama departments, will join in the research and, through working with a professional director, be encouraged to construct their own dramatic presentation which will be performed in November. The HLF grant will enable them to visit museums both locally and further afield.
Led by a professional choir master and CTB, the whole community will be invited to attend singing workshops where songs of the period will be sung in readiness for inclusion in the three performances of drama and song in which the audience will be invited to participate and these will take place on 21 and 22 November.
With help from professionals, the information gathered is planned to be displayed in an empty Fore Street shop and the archive will allow the public to discuss, contribute, share and research information about the Home Front.
Commenting on the award, Shirley Morse, spokesman for Callington Town Band, said: "We are thrilled to have received the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund and appreciate their encouragement for this very special project. The enthusiasm already shown by local people should ensure that this is an event that will be remembered for a long time."
Explaining the importance of the HLF support, Head of HLF South West, Nerys Watts, said: “The impact of the First World War was far reaching, touching and shaping every corner of the UK and beyond. The Heritage Lottery Fund has already invested more than £56million in projects – large and small - that are marking this global Centenary. Through our First World War: then and now programme we are enabling even more communities like those involved in the Callington Town Band project to explore the continuing legacy of this conflict and help local young people in particular to broaden their understanding of how it has shaped our modern world.”
Notes to editors
About Callington Town Band
Callington Town Band is a small, friendly band which was in existence in the 1850s and continued until it was disbanded in 1933. In 1995, the town council supported the idea of re-forming it and, following an encouraging inaugural meeting, the band has gone from strength to strength. As a member of the local Twinning Association the band has travelled to Germany and France.
The main band plays at many local events and civic parades. There is a training band for children and adults. Players of all abilities are welcome so please contact Shirley Morse at for more information.
Further information
For further information, images and interviews, please contact Shirley Morse on 01579 350 336 or or go to the band’s Callington Town Band website.