Restoring and sharing Northwood Cemetery on the Isle of Wight

Northwood Cemetery's two Victorian chapels
Northwood Cemetery's two Victorian chapels

Parks for People

Date awarded
Cowes Medina
Local Authority
Isle of Wight
Friends of Northwood Cemetery
Award Given
The Friends of Northwood Cemetery created a Heritage Resource Centre and Heritage and Conservation Trail for Northwood Cemetery on the Isle of Wight.

Northwood Cemetery covers 17 acres, and is the second largest cemetery on the Isle of Wight, dating from 1856.

The Friends of the cemetery worked with the council on a project focusing on sustainability, incorporating volunteering, skills development, work experience and young people. The cemetery’s two Grade II Victorian Chapels were particularly in need of attention, having experienced significant deterioration over a short period of time.

Capital works included:

  • Underpinning and restoring the chapels, and converting one into a heritage centre for activities and volunteers.
  • Repairing the Grade II boundary wall, entrance pillars, gates and major paths.
  • Restoring monuments of particular heritage interest.

The Friends also created a conservation trail, aiming to protect the unique woodland and rare species found within the cemetery’s grounds.

The works on the cemetery provided opportunities for paid internships and training, and gave local people new skills. Through the creation of interpretation spaces within the heritage centre the project will also ensure more people will engage with Northwood Cemetery.

For more information, please visit the Friends of Northwood Cemetery website

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