FAQs: Local Places for Nature Capital Fund

FAQs: Local Places for Nature Capital Fund

Answers to questions raised by attendees during a pre-application webinar for the Local Places for Nature Capital Fund, held on Wednesday 11 October 2023..

Page created: 23 October 2023.

The speakers are:

  • Moe Horikaw, Investment Manager, Wales, National Lottery Heritage Fund (Presenter)
  • Julie Hughes, Head of Investment, Wales, National Lottery Heritage Fund
  • Mair Davies, Keep Wales Tidy

FAQs arising from the webinar

Attendees at the webinar raised a series of questions, which we have answered below.

The answers to several questions raised can be found by reading the guidance. Please read the guidance and the help notes carefully before applying.

You say 'contact us first' if we want to apply for £100,000 – £250,000. Do you mean via a Project Enquiry Form?

Please contact us by email.

If the space is not in an area of deprivation, can we still apply?

If the community groups involved in the project are drawn from a nearby area of deprivation or are from a disadvantaged group, your project could qualify. For example, if your area includes urban deprivation. This will also depend on the competition levels too. 

Will successful applicants receive the grant award via a claims process or in advance?

Grant payments are made in a 50%, 40%, or 10% split for projects under £100,000. For projects of over £100,000, payments will normally be made in arrears. We can discuss on a case-by-case basis if there is a need. 

Do you class activities such as hedgerow creation as 'a focus on tree planting'?  

You can include either in your project but as we have a number of programmes, please ensure you’re applying to the right programme. If in doubt, please ask us

Supporting documents need to be uploaded with the application, are 'briefs for commissioned work' required at application stage? 

Briefs for commissioned work are there so successful projects can start and complete on time, as well as to allow us to assess the planning financial viability of a potential project. These do not have to be perfect, but they give us an indication.

Will the same amount of total funds be available in the subsequent rounds (12 March and 22 July)? Or is the total funding available for all upcoming rounds? 

We have £1million this round and a further £1m next year for the two subsequent rounds.   

Will criteria change for the next round? 

No changes are currently anticipated, but please keep an eye on our guidance when the upcoming rounds applications open. 

Can the Keep Wales Tidy packages be applied for separately or is this part of the Local Places for Nature grant?

Yes, they are separate. This is the Capital fund. The Keep Wales Tidy packages are intended as a first step if needed. 

Would it be possible to fund growing using technical means such as ‘hydroponics’ which needs to be done indoors?

It’s not in the guidance specifically, but there is nothing stopping this either. 

Can organisations apply for more than one funding stream, for different projects? 

Yes, however as above, the Keep Wales Tidy packages are intended as a first step. 

Can universities apply for grants? 

Yes, all education providers can apply as long as they are not privately funded organisations. 

You mention you will not fund tree-planting focussed projects. Does this mean you will not fund the action of tree planting? 

You can plant trees with this fund, however they cannot be the sole focus. If tree planting is the sole focus of your project then please look at funding in our Coetiroedd Bach or The Woodland Investment Grant programmes. 

If you query is regarding our application portal, please contact our support team.