Gardens and cemeteries

Gardens and cemeteries

The UK is world renowned for its historic designed gardens and cemeteries.

Our funding could:

  • help conserve historic structures or recreate lost features
  • help historic gardens improve their biodiversity
  • restore historic cemeteries including repairing listed monuments and helping people to appreciate their history
  • help celebrate and raise awareness of garden designers
  • provide training and apprenticeships in heritage horticultural skills
  • help people to identify, record and learn about historic gardens

What we have funded so far

Great Dixter
The gardens at Great Dixter in East Sussex

The National Lottery Heritage Fund has invested in many historic gardens including:

  • Stowe in Buckinghamshire
  • Great Dixter in Kent
  • Tatton Park in Cheshire
  • Wentworth Castle Gardens in South Yorkshire
  • the Botanical Gardens of Belfast and Edinburgh
  • the National Botanical Gardens of Wales and Kew in London

Explore more gardens projects we've recently funded.

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