Dr Lizzie Swarbrick

Dr Lizzie Swarbrick

A person is smiling at the camera.
Committee Member for Scotland
Dr Lizzie Swarbrick has spent the last 10 years shining a light on the stories and communities behind Scotland’s built historic environment.

She is an expert in Scottish medieval art and architecture, with a passion for preserving Scotland’s built historic environment and a commitment to enabling diverse audiences’ participation in heritage. 

As an academic researcher, teacher, and public speaker, she advocates for how heritage sites do not only tell us about the past, but can be used today as thriving community assets. 

Lizzie has a deep-rooted commitment to diversity and inclusion in Scotland’s heritage. She researches race as part of her academic work and her voluntary role at her local community garden involves creating a space which promotes wellbeing for everyone, including families, disabled adults and refugees.

Lizzie is currently a research fellow at the University of Edinburgh and leads collaborative heritage projects such as Reviving the Trinity. She is also a trustee at Scotland’s Churches Trust.

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