Cultures and memories

A group of people with handmade props and decorations
Act for Action CIC, recipients of a community heritage grant from One Knowsley.


Supporting people in Knowsley to explore their heritage

The Knowsley Golden Thread project will champion inclusivity and enable groups, organisations and local communities to drive their involvement in heritage.

Two people preparing for a party. One person is having a temporary transfer applied to their face.
Two people preparing for a party hosted by Homotopia.


The Power of Holly Johnson

This project aims to explore the rich history and lasting influence of Holly Johnson and the LGBTQ+ community on the cultural fabric of Liverpool.

a crowd at a celebration event inside coventry cathedral
The Deliaphonic celebration event took place at Coventry Cathedral.


Deliaphonic: a symphony of heritage and creativity

The Tin Music and Arts marked the 80th anniversary year of Delia Derbyshire with a celebration in her home city of Coventry.

An event at Newham Chinese Association
An event at Newham Chinese Association. Photo: Newham Chinese Association.


Malaysian Angels of the NHS

Newham Chinese Association are gathering oral histories of 20 Malaysian nurses who arrived to the UK to work for the NHS from the 1950s onwards.

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