Areas, buildings and monuments

Young people learning about traditional building methods
Green Reflections participants learn traditional craft skills


Green Reflections

Young people from Lincolnshire explored their area's rich built heritage and gained an insight into traditional building skills.

An icon of a church building


Three Solway Churches Development Project

The Three Solway Churches Development Project used a Your Heritage grant to complete a series of capital works to St Michael's Church, Burgh-by-Sands.

Young people in Peterborough city centre


Peterborough Buildings In Need

This project aimed to increase understanding of the historic environment of Peterborough’s City Centre Conservation Area.

An image of a medival vestment showing a crucifix, religious figures and angles.
The restoration of a medieval vestment from St John's


Restoration of Medieval Vestment

The restoration of a medieval vestment from St John's RC Church, Lancashire

Rotten Row's flowers in bloom
Rotten Row's flowers in bloom


Rotten Row Southport

A project bringing the herbaceous border of Rotten Row, Southport, back to life.

Children learning about the chiming bells
Children learning about the chiming bells


Local heroes: Revealing the Memorial Bells

The restoration of a rare set of chiming bells hung in 1925 in memory of 197 local heroes connected to the Memorial Community Church in Plaistow, London.

Young children in costume
Young children learning about the history of Grosmont Village.


Bringing the past alive

Repairing the Grade I Church of St Nicholas, and restoring and relocating a 17th century monument, provided the impetus for a new interpretation and activity programme. This involved many young people and adults from the village and further afield.

People carrying out an archaeological excavation
Participants at the Fin Cop dig site


Fin Cop - solving more mysteries

Longstone Local History Group carried out further archaeological work on an Iron Age Hill Fort near Bakewell, covering the full extent of Fin Cop.

Exploring the restoration of Christ Church, Great Ayton
Exploring the restoration of Christ Church, Great Ayton


Restoring Great Ayton's Christ Church

The restoration aimed to preserve key features of Christ Church in Ayton, North Yorkshire, while promoting community engagement.

Volunteers worked with the local school children to learn about woodcarving.
Volunteers worked with the local school children to learn about woodcarving


Sandford Heritage and Community Project

The Parish Church Council (PCC) of the Grade I St Swithun’s Church has made better use of the space beneath the 17th-century gallery by converting it into a heritage and community room.

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